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History of the service and public support

Bethany Christian Trust has provided emergency accommodation and care for people sleeping rough in Edinburgh every Winter since 1996. For years, the provision at the Care Shelter had outstripped the traditional shelter model.

In 2020 the Care Shelter was modified into a more inclusive service with an emphasis on re-accommodation.

Renamed the Rapid Re-accommodation Welcome Centre, we now provide private en-suite rooms with access to professional services and tailored 24-hour support for each person in order to move rapidly out of the crisis of homelessness.

As well as the amazing support raised through your generous Buy a Bed gift, we are indebted to the support of volunteers from churches across the Lothians who prepare and serve a hot meal every night. The Rapid Re-accommodation Welcome Centre is also funded by the voluntary donations of trusts and foundations, individuals, local churches, companies, communities, local and national government, as well as receiving support from the Caring Christmas Trees project.

Useful Links

*Please note guests will not require your individual gift to access the service. Room hire is separately funded by local government. Please note guests will not require your individual gift to access the service and anyone in a potential rough sleeping crisis will be warmly welcomed in.
 **When you support Buy a Bed, you’re making a vital donation to help keep individuals off the streets and providing tailored support for rapid re-accommodation. If the target for the campaign is met, your gift will be used to support our work wherever the need is greatest across Scotland. Examples of our services can be found here.