The gift helping people sleeping rough this winter.
By purchasing or receiving a Buy a Bed gift card, you help provide access to Bethany’s Rapid Re-accommodation Welcome Centre in Edinburgh, for those who would otherwise be sleeping on the streets this winter.

What is the Welcome Centre?
The Rapid Re-accommodation Welcome Centre provides people who would otherwise be sleeping rough with 24-hour accommodation, hot food and access to 24/7 wrap around support. Guests also receive individualised support to help them move on to more suitable long-term accommodation.
Bethany project workers are there for individuals looking to find more permanent accommodation, and assist people with addictions or mental health issues. A wide range of referral routes to support is also provided.
The Welcome Centre is based at the Haymarket Hub Hotel, 7 Clifton Terrace, Edinburgh EH12 5DR.
To find out more about the Welcome Centre and our collaboration with other organisations…
Each donation of just £25
will help someone this winter by providing access to:
- A warm, safe, private room with en-suite facilities
- 24-hour care and support from professional, supportive and loving staff
- Three meals a day including a freshly prepared, hot two-course dinner
- A wide range of referral routes to support
- Assistance to move rapidly out of the crisis of homelessness

Read the Buy a Bed Terms & Conditions
Room hire is separately funded by local government. Please note guests will not require your individual gift to access the service and anyone in a potential rough sleeping crisis will be warmly welcomed in.
Illustrations by Laura K Sayers